A Brief History of Inkjet Printers

A Brief History of Inkjet Printers

In the early 1980s, offices were noisy places, filled with the sound of metal striking inked ribbons to mark characters on paper. IBM Selectric typewriters clacked, daisy wheel printers clattered, and dot-matrix printers made loud ripping sounds. Today, those noises are gone. And though we do spend more time reading on screens, we haven’t stopped … Read more

How MEMS Ultrasound Imaging became Ultra Small

How MEMS Ultrasound Imaging became Ultra Small

A startling change in medical ultrasound is working its way through hospitals and physicians’ offices. The long-standing, state-of-the-art ultrasound machine that’s pushed around on a cart, with cables and multiple probes dangling, is being wheeled aside permanently in favor of handheld probes that send images to a phone. These devices are small enough to fit … Read more