As China, Africa woo each other, who gains more? It’s complex, say experts | Business and Economy News

As China, Africa woo each other, who gains more? It’s complex, say experts | Business and Economy News

Nkurunziza Alphonse knows that every time he goes out to protest, he could get arrested, even detained for a lengthy period in Kampala’s maximum security prison. It has happened before. Still, as he sat in a courtroom on Tuesday, watching another batch of protesters arraigned, Alphonse said he has no plans to stop marching. The … Read more

Jobless engineers, MBAs: The hidden army of Indian election ‘consultants’ | India Election 2024

Jobless engineers, MBAs: The hidden army of Indian election ‘consultants’ | India Election 2024

“How many tennis balls can fit in a passenger plane?” Neeraj, a young economics graduate from the premier Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), was given 15 minutes to solve this question during his interview rounds at Nation With Namo (NwN), one of the in-house political consultancies of India’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). He got … Read more

Reclaiming Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan style | Bollywood

Reclaiming Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan style | Bollywood

Sudhir Kothari, 36, a financial analyst and adviser based in the southern Indian city of Chennai, has ordered a special five-kilogramme (11-pound) choco-truffle cake, garlands and booked dhol (drum) players. The T-shirts, badges and wristbands that he had ordered arrived in time and Rohini Silver Screens theatre has allowed him to erect a 7.4-metre (25-foot) … Read more