Middle East crisis live: aid ship ‘set to sail from Cyprus to Gaza on new maritime corridor’ | Israel-Gaza war

Aid ship set to sail from Cyprus to Gaza on new maritime corridor, says charity

A US charity said it was loading aid for Gaza on to a boat in Cyprus, the first shipment to the war-ravaged territory along a maritime corridor the European Commission hopes will open this weekend, reports AFP.

The Spanish-flagged vessel Open Arms docked three weeks ago in the port of Larnaca in Cyprus, the closest EU country to the Gaza Strip.

“World Central Kitchen teams are in Cyprus loading pallets of humanitarian aid on to a boat headed to northern Gaza,” the charity said in a statement on Friday.

“We have been preparing for weeks alongside our trusted NGO partner Open Arms for the opening of a maritime aid corridor that would allow us to scale our efforts in the region,” it added.

The charity said it plans to tow a barge loaded with provisions for the people of Gaza, where dire humanitarian conditions more than five months into the Israel-Hamas war have led some countries to airdrop food and other assistance.

3 weeks ago, the #OpenArms ship, in collaboration with @WCK, docked in Cyprus for a joint mission. What initially appeared as an insurmountable challenge is now on the verge of realization.

The endeavor to establish a humanitarian maritime corridor in #Gaza is making progress,… pic.twitter.com/njaOxGZtnn

— Open Arms ENG (@openarms_found) March 8, 2024

“The endeavor to establish a humanitarian maritime corridor in Gaza is making progress, and our tugboat stands prepared to embark at a moment’s notice, laden with tons of food, water, and vital supplies for Palestinian civilians,” Open Arms said on social media platform X.

In Larnaca, European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen had earlier expressed hope that a maritime corridor could open this Sunday, although details remained unclear, according to AFP.

She said a “pilot operation” would be launched on Friday, aided by the United Arab Emirates which secured “the first of many shipments of goods to the people of Gaza“.

There are no functioning ports in Gaza and officials did not say where the initial shipments would go, whether they would be subject to inspection by Israel, or who would distribute aid.

The Pentagon said on Friday that a US plan to establish a “temporary offshore maritime pier” in Gaza would take up to 60 days and would probably involve more than 1,000 US personnel.


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Key events

Reuters has more on the comments by Philippe Lazzarini, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) commissioner general, who said the UN Palestinian refugee agency is at the “risk of death” after Israel alleged some of its staff took part in the 7 October Hamas attack.

According to Reuters, Lazzarini also said he was cautiously optimistic some donors would start funding UNRWA again within weeks.

An independent review of UNRWA has been launched under French former foreign minister Catherine Colonna, and the final report is expected to be published next month.

“I am cautiously optimistic that within the next few weeks, and also following the publication of Catherine Colonna’s report, a number of donors will return,” Lazzarini said in an interview with Swiss broadcaster RTS that was aired on Saturday. Lazzarini told RTS that UNRWA was at “risk of death, at risk of dismantlement.”

Colonna, whose work on the review began in mid-February, said on Saturday she would visit Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ramallah and Amman next week.

UNRWA, which provides aid and essential services to Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the Israeli-occupied West Bank and across the region, has been in crisis since Israel accused 12 of its 13,000 staff in Gaza of involvement in the 7 October attack on Israel. The allegations prompted several countries, including the US, to pause funding.

When the allegations emerged, UNRWA fired some staff members, saying it acted to protect the agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, and an independent internal UN investigation was launched.

Reuters reports that UNRWA said some employees released into Gaza from Israeli detention reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating that staff took part in the 7 October attack, according to a report by the agency dated February.

“What is at stake is the fate of the Palestinians today in Gaza in the short term who are going through an absolutely unprecedented humanitarian crisis,” Lazzarini told RTS.

Ismail Wahba, director of the UNRWA Taif school in Rafah, teaches an english class in the library of the school housing displaced Palestinians, in Rafah on 4 March 2024. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

UNRWA runs schools, healthcare clinics and other social services in Gaza, and distributes humanitarian aid. The UN has said 3,000 members of staff are still working to deliver aid in Gaza, where it says 576,000 people – one quarter of the population – are a step away from famine.

“The agency I currently manage is the only agency that delivers public services to Palestinian refugees,” Lazzarini said.

“We are the quasi-ministry of education, of primary health. If we were to get rid of such a body, who would bring back the million of girls and boys who are traumatised in the Gaza Strip today back to a learning environment?”


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Patrick Wintour

Patrick Wintour

Houthi forces in Yemen claim to have launched one of their largest attacks on US shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, saying they sent 37 drones to hit US navy war ships and a commercial ship.

The US Central Command said it had stopped the attack, which it attributed to Iranian-backed Houthi forces. The US spoke of only shooting down 15, not 37, drones.

The Houthis in a statement issued by the group’s military spokesperson Yahya Sarea said the attack had been a success, but provided no evidence.

Among those repelling the Houthi attacks was a Danish frigate Iver Huitfeldt, which shot down four Houthi drones in the Red Sea on Friday night.

The commander on the Iver Huitfeldt, Capt Sune Lund, said: “At a little after 4am local time we recognised a drone which was heading towards Iver Huitfeldt and the surrounding ships. After making sure it was an enemy, we engaged and defeated it. Over the next hour this happened three more times.”


According to Reuters, in a speech marking Martyrs’ and Veterans’ Day in Egypt on Saturday, Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said the cost of rebuilding Gaza could exceed $90bn (£70bn).


UN: Iran committed crimes against humanity during protest crackdown

Deepa Parent

The Iranian regime’s human rights violations during its brutal suppression of protests in 2022 amount to crimes against humanity, a UN fact-finding mission (FFM) has said.

Established by the UN human rights council in November 2022 – two months after the Woman, Life, Freedom protests swept the country in response to the death in custody of Mahsa Amini – the FFM has released a report concluding the regime carried out widespread and sustained human rights violations against its own people, which broke international laws and specifically targeted women and girls.

The report also investigated and corroborated accounts published in the Guardian that female protesters had been specifically targeted because of their gender and were shot at close range in the face and genitals – actions the report cites as evidence of crimes committed by the state against the civilian population.

The report states: “The mission has … established that many of the serious human rights violations … amount to crimes against humanity – specifically those of murder; imprisonment; torture; rape and other forms of sexual violence; persecution; enforced disappearance and other inhumane acts – that have been committed as part of a widespread and systematic attack directed against a civilian population, namely women, girls and others expressing support for human rights.”

According to Human Rights Watch, more than 500 people, including 68 children, were killed by security forces during the protests. It is estimated that more than 20,000 protesters were arrested.


UN Palestinian refugee agency at ‘risk of death’, UNRWA chief says

Following Israel’s allegations that 12 staff took part in the 7 October attacks by Hamas, the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is now at “risk of death”, reports Reuters.

The commissioner-general of UNWRA, Philippe Lazzarini, has said that the UN Palestinian refugee agency is at ‘risk of death’. Photograph: John Lamparski/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini told Swiss broadcaster RTS:

The agency is at risk of death, it is risking dismantlement.

What is at stake is the fate of the Palestinians today in Gaza in the short term who are going through an absolutely unprecedented humanitarian crisis.”


Here are some of the latest images on the newswires:

Palestinian children make Ramadan lanterns out of paper and hang them in their makeshift tents ahead of the holy month of Ramadan in Rafah, Gaza on Friday. Photograph: Abed Zagout/Getty Images
Israelis hold placards at a protest calling for the end of the Hamas-Israel war outside the US embassy branch in Tel Aviv, on Friday. Protesters called for Israel to drop food and not bombs for Palestinians in Gaza. Photograph: Debbie Hill/UPI/REX/Shutterstock
Palestinian Muslim worshipers who were prevented from entering the al-Aqsa Mosque compound, pray outside Jerusalem’s Old City on Friday. Photograph: Mahmoud Illean/AP
A woman in Tel Aviv walks past posters with pictures of the hostages kidnapped in the deadly 7 October attack on Israel by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas. Photograph: Carlos García Rawlins/Reuters
Palestinians carry or transport on carts some of their personal belongings on Saturday, as they leave Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip after returning briefly to check on what remains of their homes. Photograph: APAImages/REX/Shutterstock

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A top US treasury official visiting Beirut this week pressed Lebanese authorities to prevent funds from being funneled to Hamas by way of Lebanon, officials told the Associated Press (AP).

Jesse Baker, deputy assistant secretary of the treasury for Asia and the Middle East in the office of terrorist financing and financial crimes, met Lebanese politicians and officials from the financial sector on Thursday and Friday.

His visit came as negotiations for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas in Gaza appear to have stalled. Should the war continue during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which could begin late Sunday, many fear a regional escalation, including in Lebanon.

Near-daily low-level clashes have taken place between the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, and Israeli forces for more than five months, say AP.

A US treasury official who spoke on condition of anonymity with AP to discuss sensitive matters said Baker had shared with Lebanese authorities “specific concerns” about “the movement of Hamas funds through Lebanon, Hezbollah funds from Iran into Lebanon and then out into other regional areas” and called for “proactive measures” to combat it.

The official said that the groups need the flow of funds to pay their fighters and conduct military operations and cannot achieve their aims otherwise.

The US treasury official added that, for Lebanon, showing compliance with global anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorism financing standards is key to attracting investment from the US and the rest of the world and to pulling the country out of its protracted crisis.

Baker pushed for Lebanon to crack down on the large sector of illicit financial service companies that have flourished amid the collapse of the country’s formal banking system over four years of economic crisis, including illegal money exchange and unlicensed money transfer operations, the US treasury official said.

Those businesses – along with a cash economy that the World Bank has estimated amounts to nearly 46% of Lebanon’s GDP – have offered workarounds for people and groups barred from the formal financial system by US sanctions, including Hamas and Hezbollah, both of which Washington considers terrorist organisations.

Walid Kilani, a spokesperson for Hamas in Lebanon, told AP he had “no information” about the matter.

Halim Berti, spokesperson for Lebanon’s central bank, confirmed that officials with the institution had met Baker and described the meetings as “very positive.”

He said that the central bank is doing its part to regulate licensed financial services businesses but that those operating without a licence are “not in our jurisdiction” and should be dealt with by law enforcement.


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Three Palestinian children died of dehydration and malnutrition overnight at al-Shifa hospital, says health ministry

Three Palestinian children died of dehydration and malnutrition at the northern al-Shifa hospital overnight, said the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry. Its spokesperson Ashraf Al-Qidra said this raised to 23 the number of Palestinians who had died of similar causes in nearly 10 days, reports Reuters.

“This brutal war has ruptured any sense of a shared humanity,” said Mirjana Spoljaric, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross. According to Reuters, she called for an end of hostilities to allow for meaningful aid distribution in Gaza, for Hamas to release all hostages without conditions and for Israel to treat Palestinians in its custody humanely and to permit them to contact their families.

‘This brutal war has ruptured any sense of a shared humanity,’ said Mirjana Spoljaric, president of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images

In a statement summarising its operations in Gaza over the past day, the Israeli military said it conducted arrests, located weapons and killed more than 30 fighters in Khan Younis, including in the Hamad area, in central Gaza and in the area of Beit Hanoun in the north, reports Reuters.

Gaza’s health ministry said at least 82 people were killed in Israeli attacks across the Gaza Strip in the last day. In Khan Younis, medics said at least 23 people were killed in military raids on homes and in Israeli shelling of a housing project in the Hamad area of the city. In the northern Gaza Strip, Israeli fire killed a Palestinian fisher along the beach, medics said.


Israel strikes landmark residential tower in southern Rafah

Israel struck one of the largest residential towers in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, residents said, stepping up pressure on the last area of the territory it has not yet invaded and where over a million displaced Palestinians are sheltering, reports Reuters.

The 12-floor building, located about 500 metres from the border with Egypt, was damaged in the strike. Dozens of families were made homeless though no casualties were reported, according to residents. However, the Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that “scores of civilians sustained various injuries”.

Debris is seen around the damaged Al-Masry Tower after Israeli airstrikes on Saturday in Rafah, Gaza. Photograph: Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images

The Israeli military did not immediately respond to requests by Reuters for comment on the incident.

One of the tower’s 300 residents told Reuters that Israel gave them a 30-minute warning to flee the building at night. “People were startled, running down the stairs, some fell, it was chaos. People left their belongings and money,” said Mohammad al-Nabrees, adding that among those who tripped down the stairs during the panicked evacuation was a friend’s pregnant wife.

A Rafah-based official with the Fatah party, which dominates the Palestinian Authority that has limited self-rule in the occupied West Bank, another Palestinian territory, said he feared that hitting the Rafah tower was a sign of an imminent Israeli invasion, according to Reuters.


Canada to resume funding for UNRWA

Canada has confirmed it will restore funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), reports the Canadian public broadcaster CBC.

According to CBC News, Canada’s international development minister Ahmed Hussen confirmed the move at a press conference on Friday in Mississauga.

Canada, along with a number of major donors, suspended funding to UNRWA in January after Israel alleged that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the 7 October Hamas attack on Israel.

CBC News first reported on Tuesday that the Canadian government intended to resume funding after Ottawa received an interim report from the UN’s investigation of Israel’s allegations.


Iran criticises removal of its supreme leader’s social media accounts

Iran on Saturday denounced US tech company Meta’s decision to remove the Facebook and Instagram accounts of its supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, calling it a “violation of freedom of expression”, reports AFP.

Instagram and Facebook are among the most popular social media platforms for Iranians, but while the government blocks their use, officials in the Islamic republic have accounts on them.

Meta said last month it had removed Khamenei’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram for having “repeatedly violated” its policy on “dangerous organisations and individuals”, according to AFP.

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei pictured after casting his ballots during the parliamentary and key clerical body elections on 1 March in Tehran, Iran. Photograph: Majid Saeedi/Getty Images

In response, Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said the move was “not only a violation of freedom of speech, but also an insult to millions of followers of his positions and news”.

“The mottoes of freedom of expression by some western claimants are hollow and showy slogans and a cover for their illegitimate political goals,” he told the Middle East Eye news outlet in remarks also published by Iran’s foreign ministry.

Khamenei, 84, has been the country’s supreme leader since 1989, a position that allows him the final say in major state policies. He had about five million followers on Instagram.

Meta’s move on 8 February came as Khamenei increasingly voiced support for Palestinian militant group Hamas and denounced Israel amid the war between the two sides in the Gaza Strip.

“Khamenei is the most prominent supporter of the oppressed people of Palestine and Gaza in the world, and the Silicon Valley empire cannot prevent this voice from reaching the public opinion of the world,” Amir-Abdollahian said.

Despite the Iranian government’s ban on Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms including X, internet users in the Islamic republic can still access them using virtual private networks, or VPNs.


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Gaza ceasefire before Ramadan ‘looking tough’, says Biden – video

US president, Joe Biden, has dampened expectations of a ceasefire in Gaza before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which is expected to begin in the coming days.

Biden was visiting Rose Valley, Pennsylvania, on Friday when reporters asked him about developments in talks between Hamas and Israel, to which he responded: ‘It’s looking tough.’

Biden also expressed concern about the prospect of violence during Ramadan between Israeli authorities and Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem, the location of the third holiest site in Islam, al-Aqsa mosque.

Gaza ceasefire before Ramadan ‘looking tough’, says Biden – video


Turkish president says country ‘firmly backs’ Hamas leaders

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Saturday that Ankara “firmly backs” the Palestinian militant group Hamas, reports AFP.

“No one can make us qualify Hamas as a terrorist organisation,” he said in a speech in Istanbul. “Turkey is a country that speaks openly with Hamas leaders and firmly backs them.”

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Saturday that his country ‘firmly backs’ Hamas leaders. Photograph: Ümit Bektaş/Reuters

Erdoğan has been one of the most virulent critics of Israel since the start of the war in Gaza, which began after an 7 October attack by Hamas in Israel that claimed at least 1,160 lives, according to an AFP tally of official Israeli figures.

Israel has responded with a relentless ground and air offensive that the health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza said has killed at least 30,878 Palestinians, mostly women and children.

Erdoğan has called Israel a “terrorist state” and accused it of conducting a “genocide” in Gaza.


Here are some of the latest images on the newswires:

Palestinian children sit in front of a wall bearing Ramadan theme drawings in Gaza City on Friday. Photograph: AFP/Getty Images
A man rides a bicycle next to posters calling for the release the hostages kidnapped in the deadly 7 October Hamas attack on Israel. Photograph: Carlos García Rawlins/Reuters
Palestinians inspect the area after an Israeli airstrike hit Al-Masry Tower in the Rafah refugee camp, on the southern Gaza Strip, on Saturday. Photograph: Haitham Imad/EPA
A banner displaying the slogan ‘free Gaza, Palestine cause feminist’ is held by demonstrators who marched through the streets of Santander, Spain, on Friday. Photograph: Joaquin Gomez Sastre/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock
Palestinians injured in an Israeli attack are taken to al-Aqsa Martyrs hospital in Deir Al Balah, Gaza on Friday. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images
Families and supporters of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza sit inside cages as they block the main road leading from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, during a protest demanding the hostages’ release, near Ben Gurion airport, Israel, on Friday. Photograph: Abir Sultan/EPA